

My LASIK Procedure

My LASIK Procedure

Prior to your Laser Vision Correction...

  • You will be asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to your procedure to check in and take care of paperwork
  • You will meet with your surgeon to review your surgical plan and ask any final questions you may have
  • After meeting with your surgeon you will be taken to our comfortable prep area where you will be offered a mild anti-anxiety medication and prepped for your procedure
  • Eye drops will be administered and your "take home" instructions will be reviewed so that you are well prepared when you get home
  • You will be walked into the surgical suite where your surgeon and his technician will get you comfortable

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During your Procedure...

  • Your surgeon will numb your eyes with very fast acting anaesthetic eye drops so that you do not feel any discomfort
  • A small eye lid holder will be used to prevent you from blinking and the numbing drops will take away the sensation of having to blink
  • Your surgeon will talk to you throughout the procedure and keep you calm and focused
  • The procedure is completed in two steps:
    1. The laser flap is created with a femtosecond laser (LASIK) which takes approximately 30 seconds.
    2. The lasering process is completed with another laser called an excimer laser and this step generally takes less than one minute of lasering time
  • Once the first eye is completed your surgeon will start the process over to complete your second eye
  • You are typically in the surgical suite for 15-20 minutes
  • Once completed you will be taken back to the post op area

Following your Procedure…

  • A few more eye drops will be inserted and you will be provided with sunglasses to wear to protect your eyes and remind you not to rub your eyes
  • Your "take home instructions "will be reviewed once again and you will be instructed to go home to sleep as much as possible and to avoid rubbing your eyes
  • You may experience mild burning, tearing and a gritty feeling in your eyes therefore it is best to keep your eyes closed and to rest as much as possible for the first day
  • The following day you will have a post operative visit with your eye doctor to ensure you are healing as expected
  • A complete list of instructions will have been provided to you so that you are aware of restrictions and activities to avoid
  • By the next day your eyes will feel much better although care must be taken to ensure your eyes heal perfectly
  • Time off of work will be determined by your work environment and will have been discussed with you at the time of scheduling your surgery so that proper arrangements can be made (LASIK is typically 2 days off of work & PRK typically one week off of work)

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