

Custom LASIK or Custom PRK

At the Barrie Lasik Centre we offer a customized bladeless approach to laser vision correction.

For Custom Lasik or Custom PRK, the iDesign™ aberrometer is used to measure the way light travels through your eye. This system measures more than 1200 points through your optical system and creates a 3D map of the unique visual characteristics present in your eye.

Aberrations are a type of visual imperfections that may be a cause for glare, halos and poor overall visual quality. They are classified in a range from lower order to higher order. The higher order aberrations are much more likely to have a significant negative impact on quality of vision.

Conventional, non-custom laser surgery treats only the lower order aberrations, while our customized approach targets the higher order as well.

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Bladeless Custom LASIK

During the LASIK procedure, a corneal "flap" is created utilizing a femtosecond laser. In the past, flaps were created with an automated bladed instrument called a microkeratome. Todays advanced technology uses a bladeless approach and the flaps are created with less risk and greater precision allowing for optimal safety and accuracy.

Once the bladeless flap is created, which takes approximately 30 seconds, your surgeon will carefully lift the corneal flap. They will then utilize the excimer laser to reshape your cornea and treat your farsightedness, nearsightedness and/or astigmatism.

Once the lasering process is completed, your surgeon carefully and precisely lays your flap back down and repeats the process for your other eye.

The procedure is performed with topical anaesthetic and typically no pain or discomfort is experienced during the process. Generally, both eyes are prepped and completed within 15-20 minutes. To ensure a stress free experience, your surgeon will offer a mild anti-anxiety medication.

NASA Approves Advanced LASIK for Use on Astronauts

SANTA ANA, Calif. Sept. 21, 2007 / PRNewswire / – Advanced Medical Optics, Inc. (AMO) (NYSE: EYE), a global leader in ophthalmic surgical devices and eye care products, today announced that the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) has approved the company's LASIK technologies for use on U.S. astronauts. The NASA decision was made following review of extensive military clinical data using AMO's Advanced CustomVue™ LASIK with the IntraLase® Method, which showed the combination of technologies provides superior safety and vision.

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Custom Photorefractive Kerotectomy (PRK)

Some patients are better suited for an alternative approach to laser surgery. This procedure is called Photorefractive Kerotectomy (PRK). The procedure safest for your eyes is determined at the time of your consultation. Typically, the recommendation to proceed with PRK is made for patients with thinner corneas, corneal scars or irregular shaped corneas.

PRK outcomes are the same as with LASIK, however healing takes a little longer and patients are required to use eye drops for 3-4 months following their procedure. Patients who have PRK are typically asked to take one week off of work.

PRK does not involve the creation of a corneal flap; therefore it too is considered a bladeless procedure. Your surgeon will remove the protective layer of the cornea called the epithelium. An excimer laser is then utilized in the same manner as in the LASIK procedure. Once completed your surgeon will place a bandage contact lens on your eye to allow the epithelium (protective skin on the front surface of your eye) to regenerate. Your optometrist will remove the bandage lens 3-4 days after the procedure. Some irritation, tearing and discomfort are typical while your epithelium heals.

While healing is longer and less comfortable, the end results are the same, as they would be following LASIK.

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